Our Goals

  • To create an ‘army of foot soldiers’ as volunteers to disseminate information on the benefits of early detection of cancer and other non-communicable diseases.  This will serve as part of the community development process of the National Youth Service Corp (NYSC) scheme.
  • Training of community advocates that will in turn be training advocates on a more regular/sustained basis in their rural communities.
  • To train these volunteers (advocates/activists) to become efficient trainers of women for Breast Self Examination (A veritable screening tool for breast disease).
  • To create a medical team, made up of re-trained healthcare providers and medical students who have received dedicated training on cancer and non-communicable diseases (NCDs) control issues, including:

a)      Vaccination, NCDs screening, Clinical Breast Examination, Mammography, Pap smear, Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) for prostate cancer screening and Visual inspection with reagent (VIR) for cervical cancer screening.

b)      Establish a protocol of screening all women and high-risk men at regular recommended intervals and establish a protocol of care for women who screen positive.

c)       To establish a database for handling screen positives.

  • To establish a sustainable funding strategy that would enable women and high-risk men in the 774 Local Government Areas of Nigeria to be effectively screened for breast, cervical and prostate cancers over a defined period of time.
  • To assist tertiary and secondary healthcare facilities to re-train healthcare providers practicing in rural communities and build new capacity for medical professionals to sustain delivery of effective screening mammography and VIR, PSA and management of care and patients.
  • To deliver these screening services to the people as a mobile service, to increase compliance and maximize available personnel.